Primary Schools

Image: Students from Althorpe and Keadby Primary School marking Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD)
Our HMD education guidelines for teachers cover age appropriate ways to introduce and discuss the Holocaust and genocide in schools. We recommend that only children aged eight years or more should take part in your HMD activity.
We have a wide range of resources to help you and your students mark Holocaust Memorial Day. These include:
- HMD assembly for primary schools
- Creative activities such as our Make a Memorial Flame Display resource, using readily available and low cost materials
- More hands on resources include the Traditional Rwandan dance tutorial, recipe cards, and song sheets in our creative activities section
- Easy to read life stories, which provide an accessible way for younger students to understand the experiences of people affected by genocide
Click below to explore our resources. For resources specifically for schools, select the ‘schools materials’ resource type, further refining your search by phase – primary, secondary or SEND. There are a wide range of other resources also suitable for young people, such as creative activities, films and poems, which you can explore using the filter. All of our resources are designed to be engaging and accessible for a wide range of ages and abilities.
These resources can be easily combined with your existing timetable of activities and lessons. You could have a student read out a poem for HMD during an assembly or collective worship. An assembly on HMD could lead to classes reading a life story in their literacy lessons. There are many ways to integrate HMD into the school day. You can read about how schools have marked HMD in previous years here.