Donate Newsletter

CMJ UK – Prayers for Holocaust Memorial Day – HMD 2024

CMJ UK – Prayers for Holocaust Memorial Day – HMD 2024

Activity information

Activity type: Public activity

Organisation name: CMJ UK - Church's Ministry among Jewish People


CMJ UK Eagle Lodge
Hexgreave Hall Business Park
NG22 8LS
United Kingdom

We are asking our supporters to request from their Church Minister or Pastor a few minutes in the church service to reflect on Holocaust Memorial Day. This could be done on either Sunday 21st or 28th January.

It's a time to pray for Holocaust survivors and to stand against anti-semitism in all its forms.

If you would be able to do this please do get in touch via [email protected] and we'll send you our PowerPoint which contains a little history, how we all can do our bit to stand against anti-semitism and a prayer to share with your congregation.

We do hope you'll mark the day with us and stand together as we say 'Never Again'.

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