Donate Newsletter

Highland Friends of Israel – Holocaust Display – HMD 2024

Activity information

Activity type: Public activity

Organisation name: Highland Friends of Israel

Outside Clarks Shoe Shop
36 High Street
United Kingdom

We are using our gazebo and stall to display the history of the Holocaust and what happened, pinning up the display on the outside of the gazebo to make the information easier for folks to see.
There will also be Life Stories of the Jews in the Holocaust and copies of the HMDT material will be available for people to take and share.
People of all ages need to know the truth of what happened and it must never be forgotten.
We aim to be outside the empty Clarks Shoe shop in the middle of Inverness High St from 11.15am to as long as I can have one other person with me, hopefully 4pm.

If anyone can help please come and join us, we are are small number at the moment through health problems.

Organiser Name


Organiser Email

[email protected]