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A Holocaust Prayer by Philip Hall

The Holocaust, Nazi Persecution, and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur had specific impacts on some faith communities, meaning HMD has a special resonance for many faiths. HMD can be marked by all faith communities.

Download A Holocaust Prayer

Lord God and Father,

We remember before you all those who bear the inner and outer scars of the
Holocaust and of subsequent acts of genocide.

Let them not be overwhelmed by the horrors that engulfed them.
Be close to them.

Help them to see that you suffer with those who suffer,
and that no wickedness can ever extinguish your infinite love.

Restrain those who are filled with hatred and use violence to pursue their ends.
Change their hearts.

May remembrance make us alert to the reality of evil and its deceptive allure.
Help us to recognise our own capacity for evil and allow your Spirit to
purge it from our beings.

Help us also to stand up against evil and oppression, even if that means we have to
suffer ourselves.

Enable us to defend those who are not strong enough to defend themselves,
and to be ready to bring the light of your truth into the dark areas of human

Deepen our respect for everything you have made, and help us to share in securing
the maximum good of every person who is alive in your world.

We ask this in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ,
who died for our sins, carries our sorrows, heals our wounds,
and is risen for our freedom.
