Leave a Legacy to HMDT
Remembering those lost, educating everyone today and protecting future generations.

Leaving a legacy to HMDT in your will helps to ensure that Holocaust Memorial Day continues to be marked every year in a meaningful way by future generations across the UK.
Why leave a legacy to HMDT?
A bequest to Holocaust Memorial Day Trust will ensure that future generations learn from the Holocaust and more recent genocides, for a better future. As we look ahead to a time when there are no longer living witnesses to the Holocaust, we will ensure that people of all ages and backgrounds will continue to mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD).
Your legacy to HMDT will enable us to increase knowledge about the past, develop empathy for others today and inspire action for a brighter future. Participation in HMD events leads people to take action to learn more, share what they know with others and challenge ignorance and prejudice today.
We understand that your priority is to ensure that your loved ones are provided for but, if there is scope to do so, please do consider remembering our work with a legacy. By doing so you will help honour the memory of those who were murdered during the Holocaust and more recent genocides and ensure that future generations commemorate and learn from them.
For Further Information
Click below to download suggested wordings to use in your will.
If you are planning to make or change your will, you are strongly advised to use a solicitor or qualified will writer.
If you do not have an adviser, ask a friend or relative for a recommendation, or visit the website of the Law Society at lawsociety.org.uk.
If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your will to HMDT, please contact our team to discuss what your legacy could achieve.
Tel: 020 7785 7029
Email: [email protected]
Post: PO Box 61074, London, SE1P 5BX