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HMDT welcomes honours for survivors of the Holocaust

The New Year’s Honours List for 2019 has been announced, and includes honours for survivors of the Holocaust in recognition of their work in Holocaust education and commemoration.

HMDT welcomes honours for survivors of the Holocaust

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) is delighted that survivors, who dedicate so much of their time to ensuring the lessons of the Holocaust continue to be shared, have been recognised for their commitment.

Olivia Marks-Woldman, Chief Executive of HMDT said:

‘At a time when antisemitism [anti-Jewish hatred] and Holocaust denial continue to pose a real danger in the UK, this represents acceptance at the highest level that Holocaust education is valued by the British establishment. We are thrilled that survivors of the Holocaust, who work tirelessly to share their experiences with others, are being recognised with these well-deserved honours.

‘Their continued work through years of voluntary service, has helped ensure that people across the country have the opportunity to learn lessons from past hostility and prejudice. Their tireless efforts have rightly been rewarded. At a time when our world can seem fragile and vulnerable, these honours recognise that their work is part of vital efforts to create a better future.’

Survivors of the Holocaust named on the list include Steven Frank BEM, Vera Schaufeld MBE, Helen Aronson BEM, Cirla Lewis MBE, Taube Biber BEM, Joanna Millan BEM and Eva Clarke BEM.

Some of these individuals have worked closely with HMDT, and we are so pleased to see their achievements being acknowledged.

Steven Frank BEM was born in Amsterdam and was sent from Westerbork transit camp to Theresienstadt with his family when he was a young child. He later found out that his father was murdered at Auschwitz. Steven and his brothers were three of only 93 children who survived Theresienstadt out of the 15,000 children who were sent there. Steven is a member of the HMDT Legacy Consultative Group, and took part in HMDT’s online film for HMD 2018. He regularly shares his story with people across the UK. 


Vera Schaufeld MBE was born in Czechoslovakia, and came to the UK alone aged nine on one of the transports organised by Sir Nicholas Winton. She later found out that both of her parents were murdered by the Nazis. In the UK, she met her late husband Avram, who had survived the Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Vera works closely with HMDT to share her story, and regularly speaks to groups about her experiences.


Helen Aronson BEM was born in Pabjanice in Poland, and was one of just 750 people who survived the notorious Lodz Ghetto. Her father was murdered with a group of children he was looking after at the Chelmo extermination camp. Helen later moved to London, and she regularly speaks to schools and other groups across the UK. She spoke at the UK Ceremony for HMD 2018 and the theme launch for HMD 2019, and has taken part in filming with HMDT.