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A record 7,700 activities for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2017 saw people all across the UK come together at thousands of diverse activities, remembering all those affected by the Holocaust and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

We are delighted to announce that for HMD 2017 more events than ever before have been recorded, with 7,700 activities taking place across the UK.

Schools, libraries, faith groups, workplaces, galleries and many more organisations held imaginative and poignant activities, inspiring communities everywhere to explore this year’s theme How can life go on?

This announcement comes as we launch our new publication: Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 in review

This booklet summarises the work of HMDT in promoting and supporting HMD itself, as well as highlighting some of the thousands of activities that have taken place this year.

With reflections on HMD across the UK, media coverage, education and the UK Ceremony, this publication explores how thousands of people marked HMD 2017.

Some of the highlights for HMD 2017 include:

· 7,700 activities (up from 5,590 in 2016)

· 185,000 About HMD booklets distributed

· Our film for HMD 2017 had more than 535,000 Facebook views and has been shared on Facebook more than 15,000 times

· 2,180 print and online media pieces about HMD (up from 1,277 in 2016) and 260 broadcast pieces featuring HMDT (up from 135 in 2016)

· 12,707 Twitter followers and 13,718 Facebook likes (up by 39% and 28% respectively from 2016)

Download a copy of Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 in review here.

We have also produced a short film which features some of the highlights of HMD 2017, including local activities, the UK Commemorative Ceremony, arts activities and media coverage.