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Explore the latest news, blogs and press releases from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.

Black Lives Matter – what HMDT staff have been reading

Black Lives Matter – what HMDT staff have been reading

HMDT staff share books and articles by black and mixed-race voices that they have been reading. With topics including the history of the British Empire and personal testimony of anti-black racism, this selection of writing offers opportunities to better understand the experiences of black people.

HMDT blog: Save my people before it's too late - by Rahima Mahmut

HMDT blog: Save my people before it's too late - by Rahima Mahmut

Our latest blog is by Rahima Mahmut, who is a member of the Uyghur community, a human rights activist, and representative for the World Uyghur Congress. Rahima tells of the discrimination and persecution faced by members of the Uyghur community in China, including her own personal experience of oppression. She provides practical advice on how we can all Stand Together to support them.

HMDT Blog: Understanding the human experience - by Andy Lawrence

HMDT Blog: Understanding the human experience - by Andy Lawrence

For Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2020, Andy Lawrence, who teaches history at Hampton School in Middlesex, and leads their Holocaust and genocide education programme, held a workshop for learners at HM Young Offenders Institution Feltham. In this blog he explains how the workshop enabled learners to understand the human experiences behind the facts and figures of the Holocaust and genocides.

What HMDT is doing during the coronavirus pandemic

What HMDT is doing during the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus situation has dramatically altered daily life for people around the world. We live in uncertain times, but the actions of communities across the UK each year for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) remind us what can be achieved when we work together and care for others.