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HMDT Blog: March of the Living 2017 Part Two

Jamie (Team Assistant) and Rachel (HMD Development Manager) from the HMDT staff team recently took part in March of the Living UK, a six-day international educational trip which includes visits to former concentration camps and culturally significant sites associated with the Holocaust.

HMDT Blog: March of the Living 2017

Jamie (Team Assistant) and Rachel (HMD Development Manager) from the HMDT staff team recently took part in March of the Living UK, a six day international educational trip which includes visits to former concentration camps and culturally significant sites associated with the Holocaust.

A record 7,700 activities for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2017 saw people all across the UK come together at thousands of diverse activities, remembering all those affected by the Holocaust and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.