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Search results for: 'easy read life'

Nuremberg trials: 75 years on - Ivor Perl BEM

After the end of the Second World War, members of the Nazi leadership were tried in Nuremberg, Germany. Now, 75 years on, Holocaust survivor Ivor Perl BEM reflects on the tribunals.

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric played for Kigali’s top football team. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda his fellow players protected him from the killing. Today Eric runs an organisation which uses football to promote tolerance, unity and reconciliation among Rwandan youth.

Lily Ebert BEM - Hidden Histories

Lily Ebert BEM - Hidden Histories

Lily Ebert BEM was 20 when the Nazis deported her from her Hungarian hometown to Auschwitz. As part of our 2011 Hidden Histories project Lily talked about the gold pendant which remarkably survived the Camp with her.

Untold stories - Michel

Untold stories - Michel

Fashion photographer Michel Haddi found himself the target of hate crime when a swastika was painted on his door. In the Untold Stories film he speaks about his diverse background, the discrimination he has faced as a result, and the effect the incident had on him and his family.

Baronita Adam

Baronita Adam

Baronita Adam is a member of the Roma community. Through a project with the Roma Support Group, she has spoken about the prejudice she has faced in her lifetime, and shared her mother’s memories of being targeted by the Nazis and imprisoned in a concentration camp.

We announce our art competition winners!

We announce our art competition winners!

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our art competition for HMD 2014 – Drawing Inspiration. Entries were made in three ages categories, all with a different focus around the theme for HMD 2014 Journeys.