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Search results for: 'easy read life'

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet is a Bosnian Muslim and survivor of the ethnic cleansing in Prijedor, Bosnia. His father and brother were imprisoned by the Bosnian Serb army in concentration camps.

HMDT Blog: Settela's story

HMDT Blog: Settela's story

During this year’s Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month, historian Rainer Schulze reminds us of the systematic persecution the Roma and Sinti suffered during the period of Nazi rule in Germany and in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Bea Green MBE

Bea Green MBE

Bea Green was born in Munich in 1924. When she was 8 years old, her father was brutally beaten and forced to march through the streets with a sign around his neck. In 1939, Bea came to England as one of the children on the Kindertransport and was lucky enough to be reunited with her parents again after the war. Bea has made England her home and to this day speaks to groups all around the country to raise awareness of the dangers of antisemitism (anti-Jewish hatred) and intolerance.

Video testimony of Renee Bornstein

Renee Bornstein survived the Holocaust by hiding in barns, farms and convents. Marianne Cohn, a resistance worker, was murdered by the Gestapo for trying to help Renee and other children escape. In this video Renee describes her experiences.

Individual Youth Organisers

Individual Youth Organisers

Here you will find information for individuals organising their own Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) activity or event. If you are organising an activity at your University, College, Youth Centre or for friends and family, we have lots of tips and resources to support you. Below are some steps which will help you to put on a successful Holocaust Memorial Day activity.

Eve Kugler

Eve Kugler

Eve was born in Germany, and was seven years old in 1938 when Kristallnacht – the night of the broken glass – took place. Her family was torn apart by the Nazis, her parents survived concentration camps, her youngest sister forced into hiding, and Eve and her other sister sent to America and into foster homes. Remarkably, they were all reunited in 1946.

Youth Group Organisers

Youth Group Organisers

Here you will find information for people who run, or are a member of, a youth group organising a Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) activity. There are many ways for your group to mark HMD. Below we have outlined some steps and resources to support you to do this.