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Search results for: 'life story'

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet is a Bosnian Muslim and survivor of the ethnic cleansing in Prijedor, Bosnia. His father and brother were imprisoned by the Bosnian Serb army in concentration camps.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Christian denomination. Believers don’t follow national governments, meaning they won’t salute flags, sing nationalistic songs, take part in politics or serve in the military.

Polish and Slavic citizens and POWs

The Nazis viewed Poles and other Slavic peoples (people from countries including Russia, for example) as inferior, and used them for forced labour. Poles who were considered ideologically dangerous (including thousands of intellectuals and Catholic priests) were targeted for execution in an operation known as AB-Aktion.

Completion - by Vera Schaufeld MBE

Vera Schaufeld was born in Czechoslovakia, and came to the UK on the Kindertransport when she was just nine years old. She now shares her experiences with people across the UK.

Nazi Persecution of disabled people

Mentally and physically disabled people were targeted by the Nazis, who believed that they were a burden to society. In this film we remember the experiences of Anna Lehnkering, and all those who were murdered because they had a disability.

Appolinaire's journey

Appolinaire's journey

Appolinaire Kageruka was 24 years old, and working as a teacher, when the Genocide in Rwanda began in 1994. He was born a Tutsi which was the ethnicity targeted during the Genocide. Before this, Appolinaire had helped to pay for the school fees of one of his students and it was this student whose family hid him during the Genocide, helping him to escape and survive.

Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE

Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE

This podcast is a recording of Holocaust survivor Kitty Hart-Moxon's speech from the UK commemoration event for Holocaust Memorial Day 2013, in which she spoke about her life story.