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Search results for: 'easy read life'

Our Chair is awarded CBE in King’s Honours List

Our Chair is awarded CBE in King’s Honours List

Our Chair, Laura Marks, has been awarded a CBE for social campaigner and broadcaster, interfaith relations and Holocaust and genocide education and commemoration and empowerment of women in the King’s first Birthday Honours List since his Coronation.

Satenig Ehranjian

Satenig Ehranjian was born around 1897 in Erzurum to Armenian parents. She grew up in the Armenian community of around 20,000 men, women and children. Armenian life was very much centred round the church and the family.

Sophal Leng Stagg

Sophal Leng Stagg was nine years old when she and her family were forced to leave their home in Phnom Penh in April 1975, joining the millions of Cambodians who were devastated by the Khmer Rouge. It is for this reason that she relates the details of her experiences during the four years that she and her family lived under the oppression imposed by this brutal regime.

The Extraordinary Chambers

In 1997 the Cambodian Government made a formal request to the UN for international assistance in setting up a tribunal to hear cases against the senior members of the Khmer Rouge allegedly responsible for the worst crimes of the 1975 to 1979 genocide.

‘Mimi’ Eva Jirankova

Eva Jirankova led a privileged life in Prague before the Nazi invasion. However in 1942 her husband Miloš Jiránek, a prominent Czech cultural figure, was arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp. He survived nearly three years of incarceration and a four month death march. Eva speaks about this in this testimony.

100 days - The Genocide

In April 1994 President Habyarimana restated his commitment to the peace and power-sharing agreement which had been signed the previous year, a commitment which alarmed extremist Hutus.

Hasan Nuhanović

Hasan Nuhanović

Hasan Nuhanović was an interpreter for the United Nations in Srebrenica and saw his family murdered when the town fell to the Bosnian Serb Army. In the years since he has campaigned for justice for the victims of Srebrenica.

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

In the years following the genocide, more than 120,000 people were arrested and accused of crimes committed during the genocide. The prison system was overwhelmed, and people waited in extreme overcrowding and life-threatening prison conditions for their cases to be processed.

Renee Salt BEM

Renee Salt BEM

In this testimony, Holocaust survivor Renee Salt describes conditions in the ghetto in Zdunska-Vola in Poland, the agony of repeated 'selections', transport to Auschwitz, slave labour, and liberation in horrific conditions at Bergen-Belsen.

HMDT Blog: 70th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials - Philippe Sands

HMDT Blog: 70th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials - Philippe Sands

Friday 20 November 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the start of the Nuremberg Trials. In this guest blog post, international lawyer and Professor of International law at University College London Philippe Sands QC reflects on the importance of the trials and their lasting legacy.