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Search results for: 'easy read life'

Liesel Carter

Liesel Carter

In this podcast we talk to Leisel Carter. Leisel left Germany at the age of four in 1939, before war broke out. She travelled through Norway to escape to safety in England. Incredibly, she travelled part of the journey alone.

The White Rose

The White Rose

Five students from Munich University and one of their professors challenged the Nazi regime by forming the White Rose group and beginning a secret campaign. They asked the German people to react to the violence and oppression which were all around them by standing up and fighting for freedom. In June 1942 four leaflets, published in quick succession, with the title Leaflets of the White Rose appeared all over the city of Munich.

Death camps

In late 1941 and early 1942 the Nazis built camps in occupied Poland whose sole purpose was to kill people on an industrial scale. Belzec, Chełmno, Sobibor, and Treblinka camps were built to murder hundreds of thousands of people using carbon monoxide gas. They were located in heavily wooded areas, away from population centres, but connected to the railway network.

Kemal's story

Kemal's story

This testimony has been provided to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust by Kemal Pervanić, a survivor of the Bosnian war, who has provided three specially edited short testimony films taken from his new film Pretty Village.

Colors by Michaella Rugwizangoga

Nina Sosanya reads the poem Colors - A thought to all the survivors of the 1994 genocide by Michaella Rugwizangoga, an award-winning Rwandan poet.

Transit camps

In occupied Poland most Jews were forced into ghettos. In other parts of occupied Europe, Jews were marshalled into transit camps, ahead of their deportation to occupied Poland.


Auschwitz-Birkenau is the most infamous of all Nazi camps and we commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January, the date of its liberation by Soviet troops. Over 1.1 million people were murdered at this site, and over 90% of them were Jewish.

HMD 2020 in Northern Ireland

This film, produced by The Executive Office in conjunction with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, shows Susan Pollack MBE, Tomáš Reichental and Safet Vukalić BEM share their personal experiences with young people from schools and colleges across Northern Ireland. The film was produced to help mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2020.