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Youth Groups

Do you run, or are you a member of, a youth group in your community? There are so many ways for your group to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. Use our free resources to help you organise an HMD session at your youth group.

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - visiting Auschwitz

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - visiting Auschwitz

In April 2016, a group of staff members from HMDT went on a learning trip to Poland. Over three days, they visited Kraków and the site of the Kraków Ghetto, Oświęcim and Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. This is the second of three blogs written by staff about their experiences on the trip.

Safet Vukalić BEM

Safet Vukalić BEM

When ‘ethnic cleansing’ began in his neighbourhood, Safet narrowly avoided being sent to concentration camps with his father and older brother. Safet describes the fear he felt for his family, but the comfort that he had in the support and help from others.

Colors by Michaella Rugwizangoga

Nina Sosanya reads the poem Colors - A thought to all the survivors of the 1994 genocide by Michaella Rugwizangoga, an award-winning Rwandan poet.

HMD 2024 – reflecting on an adverse year

HMD 2024 – reflecting on an adverse year

This month we published the Holocaust Memorial Day 2024 Impact Report, which showcases the impact Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2024 had on communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also reflected on the year’s achievements at a small event with some of our stakeholders earlier this month.