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Search results for: 'life story'

Otto Rosenberg

Otto Rosenberg

Born in 1927, Otto Rosenberg grew up in Berlin with his grandmother and two siblings. His family were Sinti, a Romani population of central Europe. Otto remembers living on private rented ‘lots’ of land that his family shared with the caravans and houses of extended family and other members of the Sinti community.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank

The diary written by Anne Frank is famous around the world as an eye witness account which gives an insight into the persecution faced by Jewish people under the Nazi regime.

Ellen Rawson

Ellen Rawson

Ellen remembers a happy childhood living in what was then East Prussia. Witnessing the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) in 1938 marked a turning point in her life. Soon after, she escaped to England on the Kindertransport, where she initially moved around, living with several different families, and had to provide domestic help.

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - the power of photographs

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - the power of photographs

In April 2016, a group of staff members from HMDT went on a learning trip to Poland. Over three days, they visited Kraków and the site of the Kraków Ghetto, Oświęcim and Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. This is the last of three blogs written by staff about their experiences on the trip.

Rescuer Story: Vali Rácz

Rescuer Story: Vali Rácz

In this podcast we speak to Monica Porter, the daughter of Vali Rácz, an exceptional and courageous woman who risked her life to save Jews in Hungary during the Second World War.

The Role of the Righteous Muslims

The Role of the Righteous Muslims

In this podcast we speak to Esmond Rosen and Fiyaz Mughal about The Role of the Rightous Muslims who helped to save Jews during the Holocaust.

We announce our art competition winners!

We announce our art competition winners!

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our art competition for HMD 2014 – Drawing Inspiration. Entries were made in three ages categories, all with a different focus around the theme for HMD 2014 Journeys.