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Search results for: 'life story'

HMDT Blog: The Holocaust - Educating in Poland, Dr Rachel Century

HMDT Blog: The Holocaust - Educating in Poland, Dr Rachel Century

In this blog, HMD Development Manager, Dr Rachel Century, reflects on her recent visit to Poland as an educator on March of the Living UK. With recent changes to Polish law, Rachel here discusses the impact this had on her work as a Holocaust educator and the wider implications for those trying to understand exactly what happened in Poland during the Holocaust.

Anna Maria ‘Settela’ Steinbach

Anna Maria ‘Settela’ Steinbach

‘The girl with the headscarf’ was identified by Dutch journalist Aad Wagenaar in the early 1990s as Sinti girl Anna Maria ‘Settela’ Steinbach. Here, Rainer Schulze, Professor of Modern European History at the University of Essex, shares her story.

Helene Melanie Lebel

Helene Melanie Lebel

Helene Melanie Lebel was one of approximately 250,000 people murdered by the Nazis because they were physically or mentally disabled.

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch MBE

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch MBE

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch played the cello in the orchestra at Auschwitz, surviving for nearly a year. Here she describes her wartime experiences, surviving the Holocaust, and being liberated from the horrendous conditions at Bergen-Belsen.

Appolinaire Kageruka

Appolinaire Kageruka

Appolinaire Kageruka was 24 years old, and working as a teacher, when the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda began in 1994.

The Veseli Family

The Veseli Family

An Albanian Muslim family, who chose to shelter a Jewish photographer and his young family from the Nazis.

Nuremberg trials: 75 years on - Ivor Perl BEM

After the end of the Second World War, members of the Nazi leadership were tried in Nuremberg, Germany. Now, 75 years on, Holocaust survivor Ivor Perl BEM reflects on the tribunals.

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric played for Kigali’s top football team. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda his fellow players protected him from the killing. Today Eric runs an organisation which uses football to promote tolerance, unity and reconciliation among Rwandan youth.