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Recipe from the Roma community

HMDT has produced recipe cards sharing dishes important to communities targeted during genocide. Also providing background information, they are an engaging way of learning about cultures and celebrating the lives of people who were murdered during genocide.

Recipe from the Roma community

Bacon and onion pudding – a true comfort food that can conveniently be cooked for many hours in the pudding pot over the outside fire (yog) whilst the family are at work in the fields. Usually potatoes and cabbage are cooked in the water at the same time and it can be prepared the day before. The pudding is very cheap to feed a family and leftovers are delicious the next day fried in a pan. One alternative replaces the bacon with stewing beef or chuck cubed. Romany women are ardent about keeping the pudding cloth separate from other washing. Often the pudding pot is passed down from mother to daughter.

Download the recipe card here.