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Wiener Library – Kindertransport and refugees

The Wiener Library have kindly provided photographs from the Holocaust which you can use. Here you will find images relating to the Kindertransport and refugees.

Wiener Library – Kindertransport and refugees

When the Nazis came to power and life became restrictive for Jewish families, many sought refuge in other countries. By 1939, more than 60,000 Jewish refugees had come to the UK.

After the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) – a state sponsored pogrom which took place across Nazi occupied countries. Jewish businesses were ransacked, looted and destroyed. Synagogues were vandalised and destroyed and 91 Jews were murdered.

10,000 unaccompanied children in Nazi territories between the ages of 5 and 16 were given refuge in the UK. This was a unique humanitarian operation which became known as the Kindertransport.

You can read more about the Kindertransport and refugees

All images © Wiener Library – if you are using any of these images please make sure to use this credit. 

If you are planning to use images as part of your HMD activity please refer to our guidance


The Wiener Library has kindly provided us with photographs from the Holocaust for you to use at Holocaust Memorial Day activities.