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Your faith/interfaith group and Holocaust Memorial Day

Faith and interfaith organisations play a crucial role in fostering understanding and good relationships between different faith groups in the UK. Marking Holocaust Memorial Day is an opportunity for different faiths and the non-religious to come together to celebrate diversity in their communities, challenge prejudice and intolerance, and create a safer, better future.

Your faith/interfaith group and Holocaust Memorial Day Download our Get involved guide for faith and interfaith groups

Each faith has their own experiences and histories of identity-based discrimination and persecution, past and present, whether as victims, rescuers, by-standers, persecutors or a combination of these. HMD is a time to reflect on how we can come together to overcome identity-based persecution, racism and hatred and to remember those who have been victims of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution of other groups, and genocides that followed.

For ideas and guidance on how your faith or interfaith group can mark HMD, download our Get involved guide for faith and interfaith groups.


Image: Eden Girls’ School, Waltham Forest, an Islamic faith-based school, marking HMD.

HMD newsletter

HMD newsletter

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Activity map

Activity map

Add your Holocaust Memorial Day activity to our interactive map to become part of the national picture of how Holocaust Memorial Day is being marked across the UK.

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