Your prison and Holocaust Memorial Day
This Get involved guide gives you examples and practical suggestions for what you can do in your prison to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, and how you can learn from genocide to work towards a better future.
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is a time for reflection to work towards a safer and better future. Through education, HMD can bring people together, strengthen team spirit and help overcome prejudice by highlighting the importance of respecting difference. Commemorating the
Holocaust and genocides that followed gives people the opportunity to learn lessons from the past and challenge discrimination, intolerance and racism.
Many prisons all over the country mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), with prisoners and staff taking part in HMD activities ranging from workshops, commemorative ceremonies, and football matches.
For ideas and guidance on how your prison can mark HMD, download our Get involved guide for prisons.
Image: HMP Parc Prison HMD activity