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Zahava Kohn: Fragments of a Lost Childhood

Zahava Kohn: Fragments of a Lost Childhood

Zahava Kohn was a Holocaust survivor. 60 years after her liberation, she found a mysterious suitcase tucked away at the back of a cupboard with no idea what it would contain. This chance find would reveal a wealth of incredible artefacts from those wartime years, including photographs, documents and letters.

 Surviving the decades after the war, these relics were discovered in pristine condition and provide a fascinating insight into how Zahava’s family weathered the storm of Nazi persecution.

This online exhibition tells this story of survival through these historical remains. It is based on her book Fragments of a Lost Childhood. Sadly, Zahava passed away in 2022.

To follow the story in its chronological order, click on the photo of Zahava as a baby in the bath tub and follow her life story by clicking on the right hand arrow.