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Iby Knill: Hidden Histories

Iby Knill: Hidden Histories

Iby Knill was transported to Auschwitz from Hungary in 1944. As part of our 2011 Hidden Histories project Iby told us about her father's watch chain. Her father threw the chain to Iby's brother as he was being marched away to be deported to his death.

Holocaust Memorial Day in Wales

Holocaust Memorial Day in Wales

Across the UK people marked Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 by coming together to learn about the journeys taken during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and during the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Anna Lehnkering

Anna Lehnkering

Researching her family history, Sigrid Falkenstein found her aunt’s name – Anna Lehnkering – on a list of 30,000 people who were murdered by the Nazis as part of the Aktion T4 project in the year 1940/1941. This spurred Sigrid on to find out more both about her Aunt and Aktion T4, the Nazi programme for sterilising and murdering those with mental or physical disabilities.

Zigi Shipper BEM

Zigi Shipper BEM

Zigi Shipper was a survivor of the Holocaust. As a child, he experienced the Łódź Ghetto and several camps including Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was liberated after surviving a death march and came to England. Up until his death in 2023, Zigi spoke to thousands of students in schools across the UK, and was committed to sharing his story and teaching the dangers of hatred.

Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour

Throughout the Bosnian War, journalist Christiane Amanpour reported from the front line, witnessing the violence of a bloody civil war and the genocide which unfolded in Srebrenica. Her experiences raise challenging questions about the role of journalists and media organisations during situations of conflict and genocide.

The Babi Yar massacre

The Babi Yar massacre

The Babi Yar massacre, starting on 29 September 1941, devastated the Jewish community of Kiev and marked one of the deadliest single operations during the Holocaust.

Ann Kirk BEM

Ann Kirk BEM

Ann Kirk was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. In 1933 the Nazis came to power and everything changed for Ann and her family. After the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, when Ann was 10, she travelled to the UK alone on the Kindertransport.

Smajo Bešo OBE

Smajo Bešo OBE

Smajo Bešo has seen the worst and best of humanity. After surviving the horrors of the genocide in Bosnia, he found refuge and safety in the UK where he now proudly embraces his Bosnian roots and new-found Geordie identity.