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Albert Friedlander OBE

Albert Friedlander was 11 years old in 1938 and living in Berlin. On the night of 9-10 November, the Nazis organised a night of violence and destruction against Jewish buildings and properties. As a Jewish boy, Albert had distinct memories of that time.

Holocaust survivor Eve Kugler meets poet Sarah Hesketh

Holocaust survivor Eve Kugler meets poet Sarah Hesketh

Our Memory Makers project paired Holocaust and genocide survivors with nine British artists, who responded to their stories with works of art for Holocaust Memorial Day 2015. Holocaust survivor Eve Kugler met poet Sarah Hesketh.

Joan Salter MBE

Joan Salter MBE

Joan Salter MBE is a child survivor of the Holocaust. Born Fanny Zimetbaum in Brussels on 15 February 1940 to Polish Jewish parents, she was three months old when Belgium was invaded by the Nazis.

We release research to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2019

We release research to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2019

Five per cent of UK adults don’t believe the Holocaust – the intentional murder of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators – really happened and one in 12 (8%) say the scale of the Holocaust has been exaggerated, according to research released on Holocaust Memorial Day (Sunday 27 January 2019).

The Sonderkommando

The Sonderkommando

The Sonderkommando, or ‘Special Squads’, were work units in the Nazi death camps. They consisted of male, mainly Jewish, prisoners who were forced to work in and around the crematoria of several of the Nazi death camps. Members of the Sonderkommando would be regularly replaced, with the new members being responsible for taking the bodies of their predecessors to the crematoria once they too had been murdered in the gas chambers.

We launch the theme and a new project for HMD 2025

We launch the theme and a new project for HMD 2025

Our preparations for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, have begun with the announcement of the theme and a special arts and education project. Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2025 will mark two significant milestones: 80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration camp complex, and the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia. Read here about our plans for this significant anniversary year.