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HMDT Blog: March of the Living 2017

Jamie (Team Assistant) and Rachel (HMD Development Manager) from the HMDT staff team recently took part in March of the Living UK, a six day international educational trip which includes visits to former concentration camps and culturally significant sites associated with the Holocaust.

Sir Nicholas Winton

Sir Nicholas Winton

Sir Nicholas Winton was born in Hampstead, London in 1909. For nine months in 1939 he rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia, bringing them to the UK, thereby sparing them from the horrors of the Holocaust. Sir Nicholas died in July 2015, aged 106.

Life in the Former Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia was created in 1929 after the unification of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

The UK marks Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

The UK marks Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

Thousands of people across the country watched the UK Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2022 and joined parliamentarians, faith leaders and their friends and neighbours to light the darkness.

Albrecht Becker

Albrecht Becker

Albrecht Becker was an actor and production designer, who lived with his partner in Würzburg, Bavaria. He was arrested, put on trial and imprisoned for being gay. He survived the war and died in 2002.

Béla Guttmann

Béla Guttmann

Béla Guttmann was a successful Jewish football player who represented Hungary at the Olympics in 1924. He survived the Holocaust by hiding and managed to escape a forced labour camp. After the war he became a famous football coach and manager, leading the Portuguese club Benfica to two successive European Cup wins.