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Ben Summerskill OBE - Chief Executive of Stonewall

Ben Summerskill OBE - Chief Executive of Stonewall

Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill discusses the persecution of gay men and lesbians under the Nazi regime and discusses why Holocaust Memorial Day is an important day in the equalities calendar in the UK.

Youth FAQ

Explore answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the ways young people can get involved and mark HMD.

Untold stories - Mukesh Kapila

Untold stories - Mukesh Kapila

Mukesh Kapila was head of the UN in Sudan and witnessed the start of the genocide in Darfur. In April 2004 he alerted the international media.

Nuremberg trials: 75 years on - Steven Frank BEM

After the end of the Second World War, members of the Nazi leadership were tried in Nuremberg, Germany. Now, 75 years on, we asked Holocaust survivor Steven Frank BEM whether he thought justice was served at Nuremberg.

‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

The 6 million + installation, which contains over six million buttons, has caught the imagination of thousands of people, inspiring a Yorkshire local authority to build the region’s first permanent Holocaust memorial.


The Holocaust was a tragically defining episode of the 20th Century, a crisis for European civilisation and a universal catastrophe for humanity. It shook the foundations of modern civilisation and its unprecedented character and horror will always hold universal meaning.

HMDT guest blog: One day, one jumper

HMDT guest blog: One day, one jumper

Clare Lawlor, from the Imperial War Museums (IWM), shares the story of a red jumper that makes up part of the new Holocaust Galleries at IWM London. She explains what this simple artefact can tell us about a young woman’s experiences during the Holocaust.