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Genocide in Cambodia

It is difficult to give precise figures for how many people lost their lives during the Genocide in Cambodia. People died through starvation, disease and exhaustion. Thousands were executed. Estimates of the number of people murdered range between one and three million.

Steven Frank BEM

Steven Frank BEM

Steven Frank was born in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. In 1940 when he was five years old the Nazis invaded and occupied the country. His life and that of his two brothers changed very quickly because they were Jewish. His parents were not religious and thought of their identity as Dutch (although his mother was from England), but to the Nazis that made no difference.

Renee Bornstein - easy to read life story

Renee Bornstein - easy to read life story

Renee Bornstein survived the Holocaust by hiding in barns, farms and convents. Marianne Cohn, a resistance worker, was murdered by the Gestapo for trying to help Renee and other children escape.

The Bosnian War

The Bosnian War resulted in the death of around 100,000 people, and the displacement of over two million men, women and children.

Mukesh Kapila: a crisis in Sudan

HMDT was privileged to hear Mukesh Kapila of the Aegis Trust speak about the ongoing crisis in Sudan. Mukesh was United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of the UN in Sudan between 2003 and 2004 and witnessed the start of the Genocide in Darfur.

HMDT Blog: A different kind of AGM - by Sir Leigh Lewis

HMDT Blog: A different kind of AGM - by Sir Leigh Lewis

Sir Leigh Lewis, Vice Chair of Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT), reflects on how the 2019 HMDT AGM brought about lively discussion and a renewed determination to keep the memory of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides alive.

Sophie Masereka

Sophie Masereka

In this transcript of her speech to the UK HMD 2013 Commemorative Event, Sophie Masereka describes how she survived the Genocide in Rwanda.