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‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

The 6 million + installation, which contains over six million buttons, has caught the imagination of thousands of people, inspiring a Yorkshire local authority to build the region’s first permanent Holocaust memorial.

Ceija Stojka (Chaya Stoyka)

Ceija Stojka (Chaya Stoyka)

Ceija Stojka was a member of the Roma community who was persecuted by the Nazis. She was deported with 200 members of her extended family to Auschwitz where most of them were murdered upon arrival. In later life Ceija Stojka spent her time promoting the rights of Roma people, highlighting through her experiences what can happen when prejudice and hatred are allowed to take hold.

David Berger

David Berger

David Berger was born in Przemysl, south-east Poland. He left his hometown when the Germans invaded in 1939 and was shot dead in Vilnius, Lithuania two years later in 1941.

Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat Archive

Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat Archive

Born in 1900 in Buchach (which is now in Ukraine), Emanuel Ringelblum became a history teacher in Warsaw after completing his PhD on the history of the Jews of medieval Warsaw. He married Yehudis, and they had a little boy, Uri.

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric Murangwa Eugène MBE

Eric played for Kigali’s top football team. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda his fellow players protected him from the killing. Today Eric runs an organisation which uses football to promote tolerance, unity and reconciliation among Rwandan youth.

The Babi Yar massacre

The Babi Yar massacre

The Babi Yar massacre, starting on 29 September 1941, devastated the Jewish community of Kiev and marked one of the deadliest single operations during the Holocaust.

Joan Salter MBE

Joan Salter MBE

Joan Salter MBE is a child survivor of the Holocaust. Born Fanny Zimetbaum in Brussels on 15 February 1940 to Polish Jewish parents, she was three months old when Belgium was invaded by the Nazis.

Raphael Lemkin

Raphael Lemkin

Holocaust survivor Raphael Lemkin coined the word ‘genocide’ and helped establish the term in international law. Shocked and saddened by massacres throughout history, as well as the murder of his family by the Nazis, he longed for accountability for deplorable acts committed by countries within their own borders, campaigning tirelessly to reach his goal.

Sydney and Golda Bourne

Sydney and Golda Bourne

Sydney and Golda Bourne (previously Baum) saved the life of one Jewish German girl by agreeing to look after her as part of the Kindertransport program. Today, Susanne Kenton and her family remember the people who enabled her to survive in the face of genocide and tyranny.

Susanne Kenton

Susanne Kenton

Susanne Kenton is a Kindertransport refugee. Born Susanne Flanter in Berlin, where she spent the first 13 years of her life, Susanne was driven to flee her country of birth by the rise of Nazism and the horrors of the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht).