Sensitive content
On this page you will find advice and resources to support you and those you are with, when dealing with sensitive content when learning about the Holocaust and other genocides.
Learning about the Holocaust and genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, or indeed, contemporary issues in the world today can be shocking and upsetting. That does not mean we should shy away from reading, watching and hearing about these subjects – they are, after all, real historical facts or current day events – and we must learn from history to create a better future.
There are ways to look after yourself and ensure those who are with you are supported too.
If you’re running an HMD event or activity:
- We suggest you read/watch/listen to all material in advance of sharing it with your audience to ensure it is appropriate. If in doubt, do not use the material. Our Resources include films, poems, recipes and lots more so you will be able to find something that suits your audience.
- Read our guidance on use of images.
If you’ve found any of the material upsetting:
- Talk to someone close to you, a partner, friend, colleague or teacher
- Make sure you take regular breaks from the material
- Go for a walk and get some fresh air
- Reflect on the purpose of you engaging in the material; to educate, to commemorate.
If you are worried about yourself or someone else, there are organisations who may be able to help, such as:
- Samaritans – call 116 123 for free or
- Childline (for anyone under 19) – call 0800 1111 or
And if you have mental health concerns:
- Mind – 0300 123 3393
- Young Minds