Holocaust and genocides posters
Our poster pack contains a set of six posters with information about the Holocaust and genocides that have happened since. You can download a free set to display at your HMD activity.
Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.
Our poster pack contains a set of six posters with information about the Holocaust and genocides that have happened since. You can download a free set to display at your HMD activity.
This activity is suitable for use by primary, secondary or SEN schools, young people and HMD activity organisers. Read about the experiences of people affected by the Holocaust, Nazi persecution of other groups or genocide, and do a craft activity to make a commemorative display, using the image of a memorial flame.
Pledge your support for marking Holocaust Memorial Day and preserving the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust by reading this Statement of Commitment in your HMD activity.
This resource is designed to be accessible for people with a range of SEN requirements or disabled people, and is available for anyone who would like to take a creative approach to marking HMD. It is suitable for use in an education or community setting.
This resource is accessible for people with a range of SEN requirements or disabled people, and is available for anyone to take a sensory approach to marking HMD. The activity reinforces our responsibilities to build a safe society free from prejudice, and can be accessed through words and sensory stimuli.
This set of five activities are designed for use in tutor times. They include short activities and discussion questions to introduce students to the genocides remembered on Holocaust Memorial Day. Students will learn about people affected by the Holocaust and genocide and explore a range of themes.
Baronita Adam is a member of the Roma community. Through a project with the Roma Support Group, she has spoken about the prejudice she has faced in her lifetime, and shared her mother’s memories of being targeted by the Nazis and imprisoned in a concentration camp.
To mark HMD 2020, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Senior Imam Qari Asim have come together and written a special prayer which is intended to be used by people of any faith at their HMD activity.
Our set of teacher information sheets provide a two-page summary of the genocides marked on Holocaust Memorial Day, to help teachers to have the information they need to hand, and to provide answers to students’ questions.
Europe’s Roma and Sinti people were targeted by the Nazis for total destruction. Watch our film to learn more about their experiences and the discrimination they still face today.