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Holocaust survivors and MPs help to launch resources for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 at Parliament

Holocaust survivors, genocide survivors, the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government, Rt. Hon Sajid Javid MP and MPs helped to launch free resources for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 at a reception hosted by Mike Freer MP and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP at the House of Commons yesterday.

Holocaust survivors and MPs help to launch resources for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 at Parliament

Each year HMDT identifies a theme and creates resources around which HMD activities can focus. Next year’s theme will be How can life go on? asking audiences to think about what happens after genocide and of our own responsibilities in the wake of loss on such a huge scale.

We are proud to unveil the logo for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2017. It is now available in English, Welsh and bilingual for you to start using as part of your plans for HMD 2017.

The resources we have launched include our HMD 2017 Activity Pack, which is now free to order, life stories of people affected by genocide and recipe cards with dishes important to communities targeted by genocide. Our resources for educators include assemblies and lesson plans for different ages, for you to use on or around HMD in January.

 At the launch event, John Hajdu, a survivor of the Holocaust, spoke poignantly about his story. He lived in Budapest and, during the Holocaust, was forced to live in the Budapest Ghetto. 

He spoke about his experiences both during and after the Holocaust, when he was forced to live under the subsequent socialist regime in Budapest before moving to the UK in 1957.

Olivia Marks-Woldman, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, said:

‘The theme for HMD 2017: How can life go on? asks us all to consider what we can do to help nations and individuals affected by genocide come to terms with the past and try to rebuild shattered societies.

‘We were delighted that the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government, Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP helped to launch our resources, and would like to thank him, Mike Freer MP and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP. We would particularly like to thank John Hajdu, a survivor of the Holocaust who shared some of his personal story with our guests. We know many people across the country will be using our resources again this year.’