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HMDT statement on divisive language after Manchester attacks

The journalist Katie Hopkins tweeted earlier today that ‘a final solution’ is needed, following last night’s terrible attack in Manchester.

Here is the response from HMDT Chief Executive Olivia Marks-Woldman:

We are aware that a recent tweet has been reported to the police for stating that ‘we need a final solution’ in response to the incident in Manchester. The use of the phrase ‘final solution’ is entirely inappropriate and irresponsible.

The ‘Final Solution’ refers to the Nazis’ call for the complete extermination of Europe’s Jewish population. Approximately six million Jewish men, women and children were murdered in the Holocaust, between 1939 and 1945. You can find out more here.

We all have a responsibility to learn lessons from the past, and create a safer, better future. This includes ensuring that we speak and behave responsibly today. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 is The power of words. Spoken and written words from individuals, corporations, community organisations or the state, can have a huge impact, whether good or bad. The theme for HMD 2018 explores how language has been used in the past, and how it is used in the present day.The words that we see and hear all around us today – in newspapers, online, in conversations – the words that we choose to use, all have an impact upon us and those around us. It is important that we use our words responsibly.

In the wake of the horrific terror attack in Manchester in which many people have lost their lives, it is important that we consider the power of our words. Our hearts go out to the victims of this devastating attack and their family members.