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Explore the latest news, blogs and press releases from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - loss of Jewish life and culture

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - loss of Jewish life and culture

In April 2016, a group of staff members from HMDT went on a learning trip to Poland. Over three days, they visited Kraków and the site of the Kraków Ghetto, Oświęcim and Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. This is the first of three blogs written by staff about their experiences on the trip.

HMDT Blog: Preparations for HMD 2016 - Firrhill High School

HMDT Blog: Preparations for HMD 2016 - Firrhill High School

For many people across the UK, this time of year is a busy season as planning is well underway for events to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on or around 27 January. We are very pleased to welcome Sheila Watson from Firrhill High School in Edinburgh to our blog, sharing her perspective on planning a successful event for HMD.

HMDT Blog: Antisemitism today - Community Security Trust

HMDT Blog: Antisemitism today - Community Security Trust

As we look forward to Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, groups all across the UK are reflecting on this year's theme Don't stand by. Many events marking HMD 2016 will reflect on our own communities, examining the challenges of intolerance and hate crime that many here in the UK still face