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HMD 2021 in Review - a year like no other

HMD 2021 in Review - a year like no other

Today we release our review of Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2021. Like for all of us, the past 12 months were like no other. We worked hard to ensure that people were still able to mark HMD despite the impact of the pandemic on local communities.

Before the Holocaust

Before the Holocaust

For hundreds of years, people have been persecuted and murdered because of their identity. This background knowledge is essential to understanding how the legal concept of ‘genocide’ was developed.

Iolo Lewis

Iolo Lewis

Iolo Lewis was part of the British 11th Armoured Division, which liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945. Iolo wrote a poem based on his experience called 'Belsen Silence'.

The Stockholm Declaration

Holocaust Memorial Day was created on 27 January 2000, when representatives from 46 governments around the world met in Stockholm to discuss Holocaust education, remembrance and research.

International community/UNAMID

In September 2004, the U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell applied the label of ‘genocide’ to Darfur – the first time the US Congress had done this during an ongoing conflict. However, despite this and the ICC indictments, international intervention in the conflict has been limited.

HMD 2016: Hartlepool Holocaust Memorial Group

HMD 2016: Hartlepool Holocaust Memorial Group

Holocaust Memorial Group Hartlepool was founded in 2014 and is supported by Hartlepool Borough Council Youth Services. HMG Hartlepool is made up of twelve young people aged 13-19 who work hard all year round to educate themselves and raise awareness amongst their peers about the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.

Ben Summerskill OBE - Chief Executive of Stonewall

Ben Summerskill OBE - Chief Executive of Stonewall

Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill discusses the persecution of gay men and lesbians under the Nazi regime and discusses why Holocaust Memorial Day is an important day in the equalities calendar in the UK.