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Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.

Freddy Mutanguha Life Stories

Freddy Mutanguha

Freddy was 18 when the Genocide in Rwanda began. Only he and his sister survived from his family. In this testimony Freddy describes how his family were killed, and how he survived.

Denise Affonço Life Stories

Denise Affonço

Survivor of the Genocide in Cambodia, Denise Affonço, and her family were forced from the capital Phnom Penh to toil as slave farmers for four years. Her husband was taken away by the Khmer Rouge, never to be seen again, and her daughter died of starvation. This testimony is an extract from her book, 'To the End of Hell'.