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John Hajdu MBE

John Hajdu MBE

John Hajdu is a survivor of the Holocaust in Hungary and lived under the subsequent socialist regime in Budapest. Having lived in the UK since 1957, John’s experiences of life after the Holocaust and as a refugee tell of the turmoil of post-World War Two Europe.

Philipp Manes

Philipp Manes

Philipp Manes was a German Jewish businessman and World War One veteran. In 1942 he was deported to Theresienstadt Ghetto, where he kept a meticulous record of daily life. He was murdered at Auschwitz in 1944.

Ceija Stojka (Chaya Stoyka)

Ceija Stojka (Chaya Stoyka)

Ceija Stojka was a member of the Roma community who was persecuted by the Nazis. She was deported with 200 members of her extended family to Auschwitz where most of them were murdered upon arrival. In later life Ceija Stojka spent her time promoting the rights of Roma people, highlighting through her experiences what can happen when prejudice and hatred are allowed to take hold.

The Veseli Family

The Veseli Family

An Albanian Muslim family, who chose to shelter a Jewish photographer and his young family from the Nazis.

Helen Aronson BEM

Helen Aronson BEM

Helen was only twelve years old when the German army arrived at her home. She was one of around only 750 people to be liberated from the Łódź Ghetto, out of 250,000 people sent there. Her mother and brother survived with her, but her father was murdered at Chełmno.

Henry Wuga MBE

Henry Wuga MBE

Henry Wuga MBE came to Glasgow on the Kindertransport, was evacuated, then interned. He settled and married in Glasgow to a fellow Kindertransportee, gave back to the community and educated thousands on the Holocaust.

The Stockholm Declaration

Holocaust Memorial Day was created on 27 January 2000, when representatives from 46 governments around the world met in Stockholm to discuss Holocaust education, remembrance and research.

Henry Wermuth

Henry Wermuth

Henry Wermuth’s mother and sister were taken away by the Nazis in the summer of 1942. Henry and his father were forced to work for the Nazis and Henry took an opportunity to try and derail a train that Hitler would be travelling on. Although unsuccessful, Henry was later awarded a medal for his attempt to assassinate Hitler.