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Agnes Grunwald-Spier: 'The Other Schindlers'

Agnes Grunwald-Spier: 'The Other Schindlers'

Agnes Grunwald-Spier is a former trustee of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. In this podcast she talks about her book, The Other Schindlers, which recounts the stories of people who rescued Jews from the Holocaust.

Rescuer Story: Vali Rácz

Rescuer Story: Vali Rácz

In this podcast we speak to Monica Porter, the daughter of Vali Rácz, an exceptional and courageous woman who risked her life to save Jews in Hungary during the Second World War.

Our leadership team

Our work is overseen by our Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Public Engagement, and a board of trustees. They are responsible for the governance and strategic vision of our work.

Useful links

There are many organisations which may be able to assist and advise you with the organisation of your event, or help you learn more about some of the issues associated with Holocaust Memorial Day. Some work with Holocaust and genocide survivors, others focus on remembrance and education, and some work in community relations.

Esther Brunstein

More than half a century has passed since the events I am going to describe took place, but for me not a single day has gone by without me reliving at some point the pain and the trauma.

Liesel Carter

Liesel Carter

In this podcast we talk to Leisel Carter. Leisel left Germany at the age of four in 1939, before war broke out. She travelled through Norway to escape to safety in England. Incredibly, she travelled part of the journey alone.

Jean B. Kayigamba

Jean B. Kayigamba

The following testimony was written by Jean Baptiste Kayigamba, a survivor of the Genocide in Rwanda. Please note that the views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of HMDT.

Adrien Niyonshuti

Adrien Niyonshuti

Adrien Niyonshuti is an Olympic Mountain Biker for Team Rwanda. He survived the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, but lost many of his family and loved ones. He was the flag-bearer for Rwanda in the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics.