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Gad Beck

Gad Beck

Despite being both gay and Jewish, Gad Beck survived the entire duration of Nazi rule living in Berlin. He was 19 when, in 1941, his friends and neighbours began to be rounded up and deported. He made the decision to actively resist Nazi persecution, assuming a leading role in the Chug Chaluzi Jewish resistance group.

HMDT blog: Rwanda before, during and after the genocide

HMDT blog: Rwanda before, during and after the genocide

Our Chief Executive, Olivia Marks-Woldman OBE, and our Director of Public Engagement and Deputy Chief Executive, Dr Rachel Century, recently returned from a visit to Rwanda. The trip was organised by Aegis Trust and Ishami Foundation, who also accompanied Olivia and Rachel as they visited memorials and significant sites of the genocide. In our blog, Rachel shares some of the photos she took during her time in Rwanda, and reflects on what they say about the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda – before, during and after it took place.

HMDT blog: Shining a light for young people today

HMDT blog: Shining a light for young people today

Aida was just 18 years old when war broke out in Bosnia and she became an interpreter for the UN, working on the frontline of a warzone. For our blog, Aida told us about her experiences. She is now a light in the darkness for the young people she works with, sharing her story and giving them hope that they can overcome their difficulties.

Abdul Aziz Mustafa

Abdul Aziz Mustafa

Abdul Aziz Mustafa is a member of the Zaghawa people, and grew up in Darfur. At the age of 13 his family life was destroyed by persecution by the Sudanese Government. Abdul Aziz escaped Sudan by being smuggled on a lorry in an arduous 22 day journey.


In July 1995, a genocidal massacre took place in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. Around 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were murdered by the Army of Republika Srpska (the Bosnian Serb Republic) led by General Ratko Mladić.