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HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - the power of photographs

HMDT Blog: Staff visit to Poland - the power of photographs

In April 2016, a group of staff members from HMDT went on a learning trip to Poland. Over three days, they visited Kraków and the site of the Kraków Ghetto, Oświęcim and Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. This is the last of three blogs written by staff about their experiences on the trip.

Denise Affonço

Denise Affonço

Survivor of the Genocide in Cambodia, Denise Affonço, and her family were forced from the capital Phnom Penh to toil as slave farmers for four years. Her husband was taken away by the Khmer Rouge, never to be seen again, and her daughter died of starvation. This testimony is an extract from her book, 'To the End of Hell'.

Simon Winston

Simon Winston

Simon Winston is from the Ukraine. He is a survivor of the Holocaust. In this Untold Stories film he speaks about the experience of escaping the Ghetto with his family and living in hiding.

HMDT Blog: Settela's story

HMDT Blog: Settela's story

During this year’s Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month, historian Rainer Schulze reminds us of the systematic persecution the Roma and Sinti suffered during the period of Nazi rule in Germany and in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Otto Rosenberg

Otto Rosenberg

Born in 1927, Otto Rosenberg grew up in Berlin with his grandmother and two siblings. His family were Sinti, a Romani population of central Europe. Otto remembers living on private rented ‘lots’ of land that his family shared with the caravans and houses of extended family and other members of the Sinti community.

Nedžad Avdić

Nedžad Avdić

When he was just 17 years old, Nedžad Avdić was shot during the genocide in Srebrenica. He is one of just a small number of men and boys who survived the massacre, thanks to the help of another survivor.

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet Vukalić - Untold Stories film

Safet is a Bosnian Muslim and survivor of the ethnic cleansing in Prijedor, Bosnia. His father and brother were imprisoned by the Bosnian Serb army in concentration camps.

HMDT Blog: Antisemitism today - Community Security Trust

HMDT Blog: Antisemitism today - Community Security Trust

As we look forward to Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, groups all across the UK are reflecting on this year's theme Don't stand by. Many events marking HMD 2016 will reflect on our own communities, examining the challenges of intolerance and hate crime that many here in the UK still face