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Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.

Sabina Kadić-Mackenzie Life Stories Scottish resources

Sabina Kadić-Mackenzie

Sabina had a happy childhood in Bosnia until the Bosnian War forced her family to flee the country. The family went at first to Slovenia, before they were finally resettled in the UK. Now living in Scotland, Sabina is a social justice campaigner focused on the rights of refugees and people with lived experience of homelessness. She is the Vice Chair of Beyond Srebrenica, a charity dedicated to raising awareness of the Bosnian genocide and promoting tolerance in Scotland.

Smajo Bešo OBE Life Stories

Smajo Bešo OBE

Smajo Bešo has seen the worst and best of humanity. After surviving the horrors of the genocide in Bosnia, he found refuge and safety in the UK where he now proudly embraces his Bosnian roots and new-found Geordie identity.

Sanela Saracevic Life Stories

Sanela Saracevic

Sanela Saracevic managed to escape the horrors of the Bosnian war in 1993, yet the memories of its atrocities continue to haunt her. With her family, she was compelled to leave her homeland in pursuit of safety. She has transformed her painful past into a source of inspiration, using it to nurture hope for a better future.

HMD Holocaust and genocide film screening and discussion resources Films Virtual

HMD Holocaust and genocide film screening and discussion resources

These resources have been created to provide educators and Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) activity organisers with suggested films that talk to both the Holocaust and more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The resources also provide discussion points, questions and suggestions for further activities to take forward your learning and engagement with the Holocaust and more recent genocides.